Research Focus

The research efforts of the METEO group concentrate on the development of new knowledge tools and services relevant to:

  • Improving the scientific understanding of the physics and dynamics of severe and extreme weather (e.g., Mediterranean cyclogenesis, lightning activity, deep convection)
  • Improving the capability to forecast severe and extreme weather (including lightning activity, hail occurrence, tornados, dust storms) through the operational implementation of numerical weather prediction (NWP) models (Bolam, Moloch, WRF, )  and coupled atmosphere-chemistry models (WRF-Chem,
  • Improving the scientific understanding of extreme fire weather and fire behavior through the implementation of advanced coupled fire-atmosphere models (e.g., WRF-Fire), and the exploitation of ground-truth and satellite remote sensing data
  • Improving the capability to anticipate the occurrence of extreme wildfires through the operational computation and monitoring of specialized fire weather indices
  • Monitoring fire weather and fuel conditions across Greece, using surface weather station data
  • Providing operational predictions of fire spread through the implementation of an advanced coupled fire-atmosphere rapid response fire spread forecasting system (IRIS 2.0)
  • Satellite meteorology based on properly post-processed and analyzed operational products of NWC-SAF and LAND-SAF (, including the monitoring of fire activity
  • Monitoring weather through advanced observational networks, including (a) the ZEUS VLF lightning detection network, operating since 2005 (, (b) a dense network (490) of automatic weather stations, operating since 2007 ( ), and (c) level meters and snow meters
  • Conducting urban-scale experiments through the employment of microsensors and mobile measurements
  • Development of early warning systems tailor-made for civil protection needs against high impact weather risks including wildfires (e.g.
  • Monitoring and analysis of the socioeconomic impact of weather-related hazards, including the maintenance and expansion of a dedicated database for Greece ( ), the realisation and analysis of behavioral surveys on the weather-related hazards and risk perceptions, preparedness, adaptability, and emergency response; the continuous update of a database of flood fatalities, their demographic profiles and death circumstances in the frame of a European research network
  • Dissemination of the R&D outcomes to the general public through layman articles and a dedicated Wikipedia-like website ( & development of educational programs and activities on weather, climate and related natural hazards.